Jared Jenkins – November 17, 2024

Revelation Ch 3b – The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia

2024 - Persevere in Faith - The Book of Revelation

Join us as Pastor Jared continues our series in Revelation as we look at the letter to the church in Philadelphia. Jesus commends this church that they have been faithful to keep his word and have not denied his name even though they are weak. Jesus then tells them that he is about to do something in their midst they would never believe. Jesus shows himself to be the one that controls who enters the kingdom and how the kingdom advances. In Philadelphia, Jesus is going to do a miraculous work to save the churches enemies. They will come and bow at the feet of the Christians in that church and join them in worship as they learn about the Gospel message and Christ’s love for the church. This is a great letter that encourages us to persevere in faith even when we feel powerless. Our faithfulness in following Jesus makes us available for him to move through us to advance his kingdom in areas and with people we never thought possible. This letter encourages us to keep asking God to open a door for great ministry through RLC in this valley.

Scripture References: Revelation 3:7-13

From Series: “2024 – Persevere in Faith – The Book of Revelation

The book of Revelation often feels very mysterious to us, but John tells us in Revelation 1:3 that it is a blessing to read, hear, and follow. In this first series on Revelation we will consider the letters to the churches in Revelation 1-3. Jesus himself delivers to us very practical thoughts on how to live as a Christians in our ever changing and challenging world. The book as a whole is calling us to persevere in faith as we see the day of Christ’s return drawing near. We invite you to join us as we listen to Jesus’ words to us and seek to put them in practice as we walk in faith waiting for his return.

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