There will be NO 915 Discipleship hour on Labor day 9/1
until Christ is formed in you ! - Gal 4:19
Current Sermon Series
Join us for our Vision Series as we consider Mobilizing God’s People to Join God’s Mission. In Exodus God creates a distinct people for a distinct goal. He distinctly gifts and calls his people for the work of ministry. As a kingdom of priests they are to enjoy God and proclaim to the world the goodness of God and the salvation found in Christ. When God’s people mobilize and join God’s Mission we get a distinct result – The knowledge of God and his glory are made known around the world. Come and consider how God may be calling you to join his mission.
Luke carefully writes an accurate and poignant account of the life Jesus. Within the pages of the book of Luke are found many stories that draw us to the Savior and encourage us to follow him. Luke gives us incredible insights into how to be a disciple of Jesus and how to experience the joy of walking intimately with him. We hope you will join us on Sunday’s as we study Luke’s gospel together through Easter.